Friday, January 11, 2013

Favorite Friday Finds

Happy Friday everyone! Didn’t this feel like a long week? I guess that’s because this was the first full week I have worked since mid-December. It actually feels good to be  back on a schedule. I don’t know about you, but I find it much easier to eat healthy. 

Today I thought I would share of some of my favs:
1. Bath and Body Stress Relief Hand Cream- this stuff is amaze. I keep it at my desk esp during the winter. Maybe it’s psychological, but I  feel like this scent really does de-stress me.
Hand Cream

2. Anthropologie Farmer’s Market Basket- maybe I am just over winter, but I CANNOT wait to break out this puppy when berries are back in season!

3. Trader Joe’s Balsamic Glaze- before TJs the only place you could really get this was at Whole Foods for like $12. I love using this as a low calorie dressing on spinach and arugula salads.. yum!

4. Bragg’s Nutritional Yeast Seasoning-now that it is winter, I tend to favor making kale chips for lunch. I am obsessed with this stuff.. esp if you are trying to cut back on dairy.
Kale Chips Recipe:
Olive oil
Garlic salt
Bragg’s Nutritional Yeast
-Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
-Wash/ dry kale (Trader Joes carries the pre-washed version which is much easier)
-Then lay out the kale on a cookie sheet, mist with olive oil
-Next use your hands to massage the olive oil into the kale
-Sprinkle a little garlic salt and a lot of nutritional yeast!
-Bake for 10-14 minutes, then broil for a min if you like them crispy like I do

What is your latest find? 

Have a great weekend!


  1. And that nutritional yeast is SOOO good on popcorn! That Anthro dish is unbearably cute. Must haz.

  2. I am going to have to try the nutritional yeast! Great find!!!


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